The Unofficial Writers Symposium Budapest 1985. International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights, Vienna, 1985


  • BUDAPEST: THE UNOFFICIAL WRITERS' SYMPOSIUM, George Theiner, The Editor of Index on Censorship introduces the papers from this remarkable occasion
  • A modest request for reforms, Gyorgy Konrad, Hungary's top novelist appeals for the abolition of censorship
  • The writer and his integrity, Per Wastberg, ´Freedom of expression is not a luxury - not even in the poorest countries'
  • Censorship/ self-censorship, Danilo Kis, Self-censorship leads to artistic and human catastrophes
  • Ex-prophets and story-sellers, Jiri Grusa, Exiled Czech author on writers East and West
  • Calling a spade a spade, Amos Oz, The dangers which spring from 'pollution of language'
  • The autonomy of the spirit, Alain Finkielkraut, Two ideas of European culture: Spengler's romantic and Julien Benda's humanistic one
  • Unacceptable reality, lstvan Csurka, Central Europe displays too ready an acceptance of political realities,
  • 'A few ideas .. . nothing new!', Timothy Garton Ash, European culture is in a state of 'profound crisis'·
  • Restrictions that violate Helsinki, Hungarian intellectuals, and Czech writers and Charter 77 spokesmen, appeal for more freedom: two statements
  • A Besieged Culture (Czechoslovakia), What's it really like? A questionnaire, with replies from Vaclav Benda, Egon Bondy, Jiri Grusa, Vaclav Havel, Ladislav Hejdanek, Eva Kanturkova, Bozena Komarkova, Iva Kotrla, Marie Rut Krizkova, Miroslav Kusy, Frantisek Pavlicek, Lenka Prochazkova, Milan Simecka, Dominik Tatarka and Ludvik Vaculik

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