Invitation: Philosophy, Theology and Non-Political Politics

We cordially invite you to an evening debate honouring the ninetieth birthdays of the philosopher Ladislav Hejdánek and of the theologian Jakub Trojan.

Where: Václav Havel Library, Ostrovní 13, Prague 110 00
When: 11 May 2017, 19:00 – 21:00
(in Czech only)

The discussants will be the theologians and protestant clergymen, Jakub Trojan and Pavel Keřkovský, and the philosophers Jan Sokol, Václav Němec, Tomáš Hejduk and Karel Floss. A new short film about Ladislav Hejdánek will be shown in the course of the evening.

The debate will be moderated by the journalist Adam Šůra.

We would like to celebrate the jubilee of these two leading figures of modern Czech history by recalling and evaluating their contribution to Czech philosophical and theological thinking, as well as their role in Czech dissent and in “non-political politics” after 1989.

The evening is organised by the Václav Havel Library in cooperation with the publishing house Oikumené and the Czechoslovak Documentation Centre